Thursday 4 December 2014


To all those pursuing a degree in Bsc. Biochemistry 

Biochemistry is not a new field in science. In fact it has been around since the late 19th Century. Well this is not a history lesson so I will not get into the details. The field has grown into its own prominence and colour and has become intertwined with other major disciplines as evidenced by the fact that Biochemistry is an essential contributor to modern medicine.    

"Who is a Biochemist?" This is a question that is frequently posed to all biochemists. People seem not to understand the definition. I did not do biology and chemistry. No!! Its not that simple. What I did for the past 3 years in university was study the living aspect of chemistry.

A biochemist is someone who studies the chemistry of life. Biochemistry is the study of the chemical composition of the living matter and the biochemical processes that underlie life activities during growth and maintenance.

Biochemist study the basic unit of life: the cell. All the chemical processes that take place in the cell are under the domain of Biochemistry. This involves chemical energy conversions (metabolism), formation and integration of biomolecules and chemical signalling pathways.

Another aspect which evolved quite recently is the integration of molecular biology with biochemistry. Molecular biology involves the study of nucleic acid which is central to the knowledge of life. Inevitably, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology integrated and this field holds the keys to unlocking the mysteries of DNA and of life as a whole.

Kenya is developing into an industrialized nation, Industries need scientist and so Biochemist will be needed. This may happen tomorrow or in 50 years, I have no way of predicting. But one thing is for sure, there is a wide field waiting in Kenya for the biochemists to conquer.


To the graduating class (2014) Bsc Biochemistry.


The big day is here. GRADUATION DAY.

Let us not forget the past 3 long years of hard work, stress, early mornings, late nights, fun at times, meeting new friends and so much more. We have generally grown in both stature, emotion and knowledge.

Some of us lost our afros and baggy jeans. Others became talkative even though it was during the last year. We made permanent friends who we will keep for the rest of our lives and our kids will know them as auntie and uncles. The stories are endless and am limited by my memory.

It was tough and we need to take a day off from all the worries and celebrate. On the 5th December live in the moment. Enjoy the showers of praise from family and friends. You deserve it. It is only for a day so take it easy.

For people like me, all we have known to do all our lives is to go to school, read and pass exams. Am confused by all the change that is happening around me and in my life. As it is said "change is the only constant in life." I am now willing to embrace the future no matter how uncertain it looks.

After all, we have been equipped with knowledge and surrounded with people who support us and above all our God is great. He has taken care of us before so let us continue to trust in Him.

For those who have found their footing in this mucky and turbulent world of our, you are the lucky ones. We will be with you shortly.

Above all, am hoping that EVERYONE  will find something to do that they love. It doesn't have to be Biochemistry but at least let it be legal. May you all find joy in working and making money and in changing our world for the better. Notice that I did not say Kenya but the world. Do not be limited by your environment and pursue to change the world.

One of the greatest life lessons I have learnt came from a Japanese cartoon called Hunter x Hunter episode 148. As we strive to achieve what we want, do not forget to enjoy the journey. Form relationships everywhere you go. You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest because that is where you will find the things that are more important than what you want.

Personally I want to say this to all of you. "I see something in all of you, but I don't know what it is" 

In conclusion,


Brian Kibue
The Kenyan Food Biochemist.

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